Audience labels without namespace qualifiers are reserved for Clojure

Audience labels without namespace qualifiers are reserved for Clojure

by invoking the Var #’ from the vector [1 2 3] . The info viewer features try invoked in the type UPON it is often review as a regular Clojure data framework because of the audience.

Standard reader labels become defined in default-data-readers but could be overridden in data_readers.clj / data_readers.cljc or by rebinding *data-readers*. If no facts viewer is available for a tag, the big event likely in *default-data-reader-fn* are invoked together with the tag and worth to make a value. If *default-data-reader-fn* try nil (the default), a RuntimeException are cast.

If a data_readers.cljc was offered, truly read with similar semantics as all other cljc supply document with viewer conditionals.

Integral tagged literals

Clojure 1.4 released the minute and UUID tagged literals. Instants have the format #inst “yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff+hh:mm” . MENTION: Some of the components of this style were recommended. Understand code for facts. The standard viewer will parse the offered string into a java.util.Date automatically. For instance:

Since *data-readers* are a vibrant var that may be sure, you are able to exchange the default reader with another one. Including, clojure.instant/read-instant-calendar will parse the literal into a java.util.Calendar , while clojure.instant/read-instant-timestamp will parse it into a java.util.Timestamp :

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