An element of the missing out on temple treasure was actually the ultimate goal, more sacred item for the Druid religion

An element of the missing out on temple treasure was actually the ultimate goal, more sacred item for the Druid religion

In the custom on the Celts and Druids to create fantastical reports, in my opinion they made Eidol the immortal King Arthur, the knights on the round-table are those champions wearing purple robes that were unarmed and slaughtered from the meal of the very long knives while in the sacred Beltaine special event from the big circular temple or round table of Stonehenge! They considered that King Arthur would eventually return hence the Holy Grail would be found.

The Massacre at Stonehenge Parts 3

Inside the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle the last entry of 473 offer mentions Hengist as creating taken a€?immense bootya€? plus the Britons as creating a€?fled from their website like firea€?. In my opinion this once in for years and years a€?Immense bootya€? or gem must-have become the sacred secrets of big Druid Temple at Stonehenge.

Instantly it seemed there had been no more Druids available in Britain, best Ovates and Bards. Continue reading “An element of the missing out on temple treasure was actually the ultimate goal, more sacred item for the Druid religion”