How to Keep the Conversation Interesting on a Date

How to Keep the Conversation Interesting on a Date

We don’t have any choice but to sooner or later accept the loss and move on. “And our losses include not only separation and departures from those we love, but our conscious and unconscious losses of romantic dreams, impossible expectations, illusions of freedom and power, illusions of safety – and the loss of our own younger self.” When relationships end mourn the imagined future as well as the love. It is a necessary area of the grieving process to let go of the what ifs and maybes. I struggled with regret. We must accept that some questions may not be answered as to why it ended or what went wrong. Take comfort in knowing you are not the only one who was through this. a natural reaction is to invest time in building a wall around your heart so that no one might break it but that is Even walls fall down when that irresistible person comes into your life. “These losses are part of life – universal, unavoidable, inexorable. And these losses are necessary because we grow by losing and leaving and letting go”. Death, loss, it will change a person just as a break up teaches us new lessons. You will probably find that you’re stronger than you thought. I broke my vow and got my heart broken a few times after that. Losing him allowed me to love fully even if it meant risking my heart. I know that heart break is inevitable and people will disappoint and hurt you. We are all just human being and fallible. But if you keep your heart in a cage safe from harm, never investing yourself then you may never find that real love. The risk is worth the pay off.

You may never understand someone’s motives for leaving you, hurting you, wanting you or loving you, so, just let it go. There was freedom in letting go. Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook1Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Asides, Questions and Answers, Tips & Advice Tagged in: break up, broken heart Daddy knows best, right? “It’s all a learning experience.” I used to hate that saying. Growing up, my father said it a lot. I always cringed inside, since it was more often than not used when you envisioned an outcome and it didn’t go the way you planned. I might tell him my “problem” or thing that went wrong and his response never differed: “It’s all a learning experience.” After cringing, i might tell myself he didn’t know what he was talking about. But boy, was he right. And boy, did I find out that it goes beyond mixing your red and white laundry together, or the repercussions of pulling your sister’s hair. Breakups suck. We go through what, one, five, a dozen before we find the right person? I don’t know the answer, as I’m still waiting for my number … waiting for Ms. Right to come along, [someone who would also think it’s fun to go out in the middle of a downpour and slow dance, just for the heck of it.

I haven’t found that yet.] But as my dad said: “It’s all a learning experience.” Recently I went through another breakup. Only this one was different: this time I was completely blindsided. We had just spent a beautiful time together in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, we were planning future trips together, we were doing a lot of activities together – we were great together (so I thought). [We hadn’t slow danced in the rain yet, but I thought it was possible]. Inside I told myself, “This is it.” I thought, this is “The One.” So did everyone else around us. They all said how well we fit together, how good we were together. Then one afternoon, a phone call came. “I’m not emotionally attached to you anymore,” she said. Ouch. I felt like Scooby Doo, confused by the thing I’d just heard. How can you spend so much effort and time with someone, show so much affection, and then tell them you’re no longer attached? What did I do or say that was wrong? What happened? I never got an answer. I never was told why, or what made her feel that way. But you know what? “It’s all a learning experience.” Fast forward to three weeks later. It’s Thursday night and a buddy invites me to go out and possess a few drinks. Sure, why not?

It could be fun. We order and have a seat at the bar. Of course he tells me he desires to talk to women. I cringe. I feel my body and mind start to resist this “going out thing,” and thoughts like “I’m not ready yet,” creep in. I feel uncomfortable all of a sudden. Then this woman comes over. She’s attractive and contains a great smile.

She starts talking to me, smiling the whole time. In that moment I interrupt her mid-sentence and say the first words that come to mind: “Your smile is contagious.” It was.

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And it wasn’t a pick-up line. It was totally authentic; in the moment, it was the first thing that popped in my brain. I felt myself smiling, her smile making me smile. I felt warmth in my body, the feeling of connection. We talked for hours that night. She was my type: traveled a lot, held a Master’s in Mathematics at the age of 23, could speak multiple languages, shared the same outlook on life, and was very attractive. Nothing happened; no phone numbers were exchanged, and there was clearly no knocking of boots (we got separated, as it was her friend’s birthday and she was taking care of everyone in the party). But there was clearly a lesson learned: “It’s all a learning experience.” As I drove home, I thought about her and the great conversation we’d had. I was still smiling because of the connection, the conversations, and that gorgeous smile (I like a woman who smile.

Can you tell?). That’s when it hit me. I had an epiphany: I’m a 28-year-old male who will get a person who is the right fit for me. I control my possible outcomes with women. I’m in control of my relational destiny. Duh… Why has it taken me this long to figure this out? Why is it that every time I break up with someone, I feel I’m in the wrong or that it was my fault? Why do I need an analytical response to, “Why?” Then it hit me again: I am no longer the vehicle of my relational destiny – I’m the driver. I can function as person I would like to be, find the person I would like to be with, and recreate and better my next relationship. Why? Cause it’s all a learning experience. I’m learning. I have .

I’m the driver. Even though breakups suck, I can pick myself up again not with the powerless mindset of, “What happened?” but the empowered mindset of ”What am I likely to make happen?” I’m ready to drive to that next I’m ready to take what I’ve learned and create my destiny. It could be anything. I could find anything. Who knows? I might even find that person who desires to go slow dance in the rain. Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook12Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Dating & Relationships, Uncategorized Tagged in: bad breakups, breakups Image from: Are women not responding to your emails?  While this may be attributed to a whole variety of circumstances, often times the problems can be found within the emailing process. Many men make similar mistakes in their emails that make them appear as if they are over-eager to meet someone.  Acting over-eager will only have one end-result; scaring women off.

  So we need to make sure we avoid doing so at all costs if we want to find success online. The following list contains five mistakes that you may be making to unintentionally scare women off: 1.  Stating how perfect you both are for each other. I .  In some recoverable format you have everything in common.  But the truth is, just about every one online is an “eighty five percent match” or higher according to those silly personality tests. Telling women over an email that you’re a perfect match for each other comes across as desperate and over-bearing.  Wait until you have at least tested the actual life chemistry before you make comments such as these. 2.  Acting like a fan. Your emails should not be filled with compliment after compliment; acting is if this woman is the greatest individual you have ever come across.

  this is simply not attractive to women in the slightest bit.  Keep the playing field level, and act is if you are someone trying to build a genuine connection, not a person who is going to eternally kiss the ground she walks on. Pages: 1 2 Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook4Tweet0Pin0 Pages: 1 2 Posted in: Dates & Details, Online Dating, Tips & Advice Tagged in: emailing women, emailing women online Like any sport, rebounding requires warm-ups, skills, and moves. Here I will highlight one example of a routine with the wins, mishaps, and the machinery involved. Intro Understand the basic terminology: Merriam Webster- to spring back on or as if on collision or impact with another body. Urban Dictionary- “Going from a single relationship to the next immediately to avoid the pain of a breakup.” Which means a rebound is eventually bound to end after all the healing is achieved because there was clearly no initial intention of pure romantic intent.

Beginner Warm-up: After a break-up, it is best to EASE into the dating scene. This includes plenty of nights with the men or gals and any social opportunity conceivable that is not rigidly romantic (but potentially). So this would add a chess club meeting, that Hikers meet up, an art museum visit, the new restaurant opening, that costume party, or even an office outing. Suffocate your schedule with them. You got to build muscle memory no matter how sore you might feel.

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Suck it up, honey! False start: Once high on desperation and loneliness, this said person runs frantically towards the next breathing romantic interest. Yes, Paul, your neighbor, Sam, your pen-pal, Jimmy, your regular bartender, Richard, your ex’s brother, Tom, your ex’s , or, Tim, your ex. Tread with caution. Field: Dating options should continually be perceived to be evaluated in ‘Funnel’ formation. Broad standards exist at first, but eventually, finer and finer picks appear. Physical Therapy Home position: type of rebound that resembles your ex in almost every regard.

Doppelgangers. That includes sharing the first and/or last title. Same taste in music. Same speed of speech. You get the gist… The major pro is that you can re-experience things you had with your ex and the major con is that you’ll re-experience the potential break-up double fold. Passing shot: the fantastic catch of a guy/girl in all regards, but because of your insurmountable number of emotional unavailability and current physical location, you never get to flesh out a relationship with them. He/she is most likely from some town hours away or someone you met while on a connecting trip. Forecourt: some one you meet who heals the wounds you had from the early in the day relationship but resembles too much of a friend to consider as a long-term partnership. The emotional fluffer; Foreplay for a relationship. Backhand: someone who you were rebounding with who was secretly rebounding with you.

Usually one of these parties wants something more than the rebounding later on. If you both do, start thinking about yourself lucky. Ace: when you run into your ex, and you’re looking particularly hot and peppier than ever. Even better when you run into them while you’re with your rebound. Baseline: none of your rebounds are attractive enough in any department personality, physical appeal, lifestyle, character, or chemistry wise. At this time, actions such as crying, feeling regret and self-loathing might spike. Hermit mode and avoidance of all men/women is very common. Carry: when memories of habits, clothing style, mannerisms, food tastes, restaurant choices, date nights, types of weather from the past carry over to your present rebound relationship. Either you succumb to the ‘Home position’ or the ‘Forecourt’ at this point.                                                                                                                               Stage I Penalty: When you fall for your rebound like FALL. Dear, that defeats the purpose of a rebound.

Penalty area: When you start realizing that your previous ex-was not even that great and your current rebound beau is so far better. Penalty kick: Either you or both of you end the relationship. And the penalty gets carried out. It’s the punishment of entering a relationship for solely the sake of healing. Red card: The most severe punishment-When you’ve unintentionally fallen harder for your rebound than the person you intentionally wanted to rebound from. Yellow card: You’ve fallen for your rebound, and they don’t know that they’re your rebound. Substitute: Your rebound has fallen for you. Draft: the process in which you collect and select rebounds from online dating websites, friends’ pools, social events, school, work, and your ex’s pools quite proactively. Lasts from anything to 2 weeks to 2 months. Double-dribbling: when you’re rebounding and trying to reconnect with your ex at the same time. Assist: when you’re still not sure if your current rebound is going to do, so that you have this other for sure back-up. Rebound for your rebound. Very cyclic, no?

MVP: Your # 1 on your list of potential long-term rebounds (Consists of 3-10 members). Chest pass: When you willingly give that part of your heart your previous ex-did not receive, to the rebound. Free throw: The point of no return in which memories and history with your ex disappears and you take a real shot at the rebound relationship. Foul: When the rebound drops you before you do. Game clock: Keeping score of your emotional accessibility, desire for intimacy, and ‘Jaded’ meter. Guarding: not opening your heart at all until it surely matters. No rebounding at all. A lovely complex symphony of longing, loneliness, and contentment plays.

Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook4Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Dating & Relationships, Opinion, Relationships, Self Tagged in: love on the rebound, rebound relationship ZZ Top might be able to score some ladies making use of their beards, but this won’t mean you will. This does not mean you have to be clean shaven, but it does mean that you should endeavor to keep yourself groomed. Beards are sexy, if you put some energy into the upkeep of said beards. Keep it short. Long beards make you look old and out of date, and no one wants to date a ZZ top lookalike! Short beards, or a 5 o’clock shadow, make a man look distinguished, which is very sexy and appealing.

Keep your facial hair trimmed and ensure that you shave your neck. Neck hair screams laziness and makes you look unkempt. If you’re too lazy to keep yourself groomed most women will intuit that you’re too lazy to take care of them, or put any effort in to a relationship. Neck hair is a big switch off and screams “I have self-esteem issues to work out.” Women want to have a soft, clean neck to nuzzle up to. A shaved neck and well kept beard signals emotional health and sexual vibrance. If you find that the beard just isn’t working for you at all, call it every day and shave the face. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by “coming clean,” letting your sexy, masculine, jawline work its magic on her. Veronica Reynolds is the Community Manager for online dating blog,, the world’s largest live introductions platform where people meet reside in chat sessions via webcam around any shared interest for fun, to hook up, or for pure entertainment. Veronica loves social media and is online a lot. Feel free to contact her on Twitter.

Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook2Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Dating & Relationships, For Men, Tips & Advice Tagged in: dating advice, facial hair, turn offs This post isn’t really looking to offer any sort of advice really.  More or less I’m just unleashing some unsightly “thought vomit.”  You see, I’ve had this conversation before: in the event you or shouldn’t you date your friend’s exes?  It’s a good concern.  A lot of people I’ve talked to truly have a pretty hardliner stance on the whole thing.  Nonetheless, I’ve been on both ends of this powder keg of a discussion… @singlecityguy of (great blog, by the way) offered this morsel of insight on the subject when answering my question: “Well you need three kinds of clearance for that.  You need FAA clearance, several gun permits and plain old clearance and then your friend’s clearance.

  Oh and don’t get me started on what it takes for Moms…” All I can say is “just wow!’  That’s a lot of damn clearance and a college semester’s worth of studying up to get it all right, methinks.  Nonetheless, my personal opinion is that there’s nothing wrong with dating friends and family’ exes, even if they don’t reside in Texas (sorry, had to go for it!).  I’ve dated friend’s exes and I’ve had friend’s date mine.  Sure, there was clearly plenty of awkwardness in each situation, but you get through it and if your friendships are strong enough it is possible to work through the issues… usually. There seems to be this prevailing bro-code that states “thou shalt not date a bro’s ex.”  Simple and straight forward; but why?  Is it to avoid awkward moments?  Is it to avoid dealing with lingering feelings of hurt and/or resentment?  Respect?  It could be any quantity of things.  Nonetheless, I think in a situation where there is a genuine bond between your ex and another of your friends the rule shouldn’t apply.  That is, unless your ex isn’t engaged in a plot to drive a dagger into your still-bleeding heart by sexing it up with your friends. One of the first girlfriends I had, had dated and, I think, been engaged to a good friend of mine.  I didn’t tell him about it right up front and that was wrong of me.  In fact, it took almost three years after the fact before I said anything.

  In my defense, he would have used my head as a soccer ball.  Just sayin’.  That I told my friend that I dated his ex ( I was not dating her at that point) was more a selfish move on my part as opposed to a “coming clean” session.  It launched a lot of old wounds and made things uncomfortable between my friend and I for a while… Was it worth every penny, dating my buddy’s ex?  Well, in many ways, yes, it was.  I learned a lot from her (not in a sexual way, you pervs… though, it should be noted that I learned some there, too) while we were together. I guess why I’m on board with saying “yeah, it’s okay to date your friend’s exes” because I feel that if adults are, in fact, adults they govern themselves and can make an intelligent decision.  That decision being to pursue the person that makes them happiest.  I might believe that my friends would have my pleasure in mind, irrespective of who I date… Do I think there’s a discussion that should happen before a decision is made?  Yes, I do.

  I think it’s the inherent responsibility of the interested party to approach their friend about the topic.  Whether it’s really going to bother your friend and you risk ruining your friendship then make a judgement call and determine what is more important.  Nonetheless, I feel that if a friend presents you with that choice it’s pretty immature on the friend’s part. In yet another situation there was clearly a person I was once best friends with.  He and his girlfriend had broken up.  He asked me never to speak to her ever again.  At first, I went along with it going with the “bros before hos” mantra… That was dumb, though.