Thanks getting discussing your story to let anybody else know they’re not alone

Thanks getting <a href="">Sports dating sites</a> discussing your story to let anybody else know they’re not alone

Mary Anne

I have had Health Anxiety for most of my life and I am not young now. It is my ever present companion. I lost my father in a tragic accident in 1984, watched my mom nurse my bed-ridden grandmother for 8 years, cared for my mother who had a terminal chondrosarcoma of the bone in the spine for 4 years- full time, after my mom died my very close aunt (mother’s sister) died of ovarian cancer, and two years later her daughter dies of pancreatic cancer. Many losses in a somewhat short period of time. I like you avoid the doctor at all cost and do not want to know what is wrong with me, as I can’t stand the thought of waiting for the test results and all of the what-ifs that will follow if there is something wrong. I somewhat fear death as an unknow, but I love the Lord and believe he does have a place prepared for me and I will live with him. I like you do not want any parts of the dying process. I have gone through many treatments, regular psychiatrist, CBT Therapy and a PTSD therapist – she helped me with many other things in my life and made things clearer as to how I came to suffer from the Health Anxiety, but it did not take it away. Four years ago, I went to a new GP doctor asking for some relieve from the anxiety and all she did was take my family history, pressed on my stomach, checked my heart and lungs and then proceeded to tell me that as a new patient I needed to get all of this blood work done, a colonoscopy, visit a gynecologist, mammogram, etc. For someone that was not suffering from HA this might have been acceptable, my head was spinning and < felt>


Looking over this blog site and you will every person’s reports could have been an encumbrance of my arms. I can not sleep at night as I am crippled that have anxiety one to I don’t awaken. Continue reading “Thanks getting discussing your story to let anybody else know they’re not alone”