Because writer pay and writer treatment is what I care about

Because writer pay and writer treatment is what I care about

I sure hope some of the Guardian writers will check in in future to let us know how it’s going and how they’re treated.

I’m on an equal and level playing field with everyone else with regard to how I am paid

My title has no bearing on how much I get paid. I don’t go around thinking about my title all the time. I didn’t “disclose” my title not because I purposely left it out; but because I was just trying to reply to Danyelle’s comment. Danyelle knows me because I recruited her; therefore, she already knows very well what my title is. She also knows it has no bearing on what I get paid. I am at the mercy of the public just as everyone else who writes with GLV. „Because writer pay and writer treatment is what I care about“ weiterlesen